Senior pricing class of 2023
New work .. Seniors 2023
Spellbound ... Art
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Gregg Barckholtz, owner of Portraits by Gregg

Gregg has been creating fine portraiture in the Great Lakes Bay area for 43 years.

In 2016 his personal worked titled  "Spell Bound"  was part of the Black and White Exhibit at Studio 23 in Bay City. 

The work was also featured in a how to book titled,  21st Century Photographers in 2015.  

To see his Spell Bound work, please visit the Gallery at Portraits by Gregg.  Some of Gregg's fine art images are always on display along with his portraiture.  Please visit the fine art Gallery on this site titled  Spell Bound.  These are personal works desinged to challenge his skills and to stay close to his roots in photography as an art.

In 2001 Gregg was the artist in residence at the Saginaw Art Museum. His portrait work at times crosses over to art.

 He has been involved with the PPof A, PP of M and the Camera Craftsmen of America.  Gregg has won many Photographer of the Year awards in our great state and at the Mid West regional competitions.  Gregg holds the degree of Master of Photography, Craftsmen and has lectured as far away as the Phillipines.


SENIOR Class of 2023 Portraits by Gregg

